Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Keep Calm and Carry On

How does one begin to describe the myriad of thoughts, emotions, anxieties, hopes, spiritual excitement... Perhaps the best solution is to simply allow the tangle to be just that - a tangle.
So many questions! What happens if...? When will we...? How will they...? And my inadequate, unhappy answer is this: "I don't know!"
And yet, that answer is what makes a trip like this so important. While most of us, especially those of us who are parents, prefer absolute clarity, we are not granted it. Not because of a lack of preparation... we simply can not know what the full itinerary of God's Purpose will be. Some of us grow frustrated, others begin to feel the pains of anxiety. While these are natural human tendencies, we must remember to adhere to the old WWII British motto, "Keep Calm and Carry On".
It's called Faith.
We preach it, sing about it, even occasionally "amen" it. But when the moment comes we often get a tight knot in the throat and allow the fear of the unknown to paralyze our spiritual movement. This mission trip will test our faith, our ability to move past the knot, past the paralysis and reach out.
Twenty-five people are leaving for Haiti on Friday, March 30. Twenty-five people, of which none can predict the divine itinerary: the struggles, the moments of apprehension, the moments of victory, the sights, the sounds, the temptations, the laughter, the cries, the grit, the beauty, the hands of a prideful people, the plight of a broken nation...
May God give us the courage to keep calm, to move forward, to have faith and carry on.
Pray for us on this journey! We will have limited access to internet service and will do our best to update our blog... but regardless, we rely on the prayers of our family, our churches, our Kingdom.
Thank you for your support, your encouragement, your prayer!

J.D. Partain


  1. Hey JD this is a great Idea - i will look forward to any thing you have to post while you are gone!
    I am so excited and encouraged that this many people are headed over to take part in this great work! I am very appreciative of you bringing this opportunity to this gruop. I know they will come back motivated to serve the Lord even more. I do hope that all going will trust in the Lord for strength and encouragement. As we know, there will be some tough times but your discomfort will only help you understand a people that live in adverse conditions and still look to the Lord for strength. It is my prayer that you will be the 'Hands of the Lord" as you minister to people's needs and Hearts! - Bubba Alsup

  2. You all are in my prayers! Can't wait to read more about your adventure.

  3. So excited for you guys and the blessings this trip will bring to all!! I look forward to hearing more about this mission! ~ Krissy

  4. Our prayers are with the team as you labor for the Lord. May you receive blessings from the small acts of kindness & work that you will be doing.

  5. Hi Team! We are excited for you and praying daily for God's blessings on all your efforts. God determines the time set for them (us) and the exact places they should live so that they may reach out to HIM and be found....God has placed you in Haite for such a time as this! May God smile upon you as you touch the people of Haite! We love you and are proud of you! Brett & AnnMarie

  6. Hello everyone! I hope you all had a good trip there, I imagine everyone is very tired though. We are all excited for you and anxiously waiting word of your safe arrival. May the Lord bless each of you and everyone you are in contact with while on this mission. I know that you all will make an impact on their lives as they will on yours. What an exciting week this will be, stay safe and know we are all here supporting you immensely. Love to you all, Nancy

  7. Hey all! I am thinking of you all and praying for you each time I think of you, which is pretty much all the time. Love you all and am so proud of each of you for going! God speed! Barb
