Saturday, March 31, 2012

God is Good!

Just a quick post to let everyone know:  We made it!  Everyone is well, safe, and excited!

After a freezing overnight stay at the Newark Airport (the A/C must have been set at 40 degrees!) we finally arrived to a grey, 93-degree, 100% humidity day.  Unfortunately, not all of our luggage arrived (Barry, Jen, Katie, and Zachariah are without for the next three days) but our team followed through on their instructions to pack their carry-on in case this type of thing happened.  Barry even has a tie to wear while he preaches tomorrow!!

We are exhausted, and so this post is rather short.  Just know that God is Good (we saw this message, along with many other spiritual windshield messages posted on trucks and vans) and that He is watching over us all.  God be with all of you on the Lord's Day - may He be glorified!

J.D. Partain

P.S.  Here are just a few more random pics from the past two days!


  1. glad/relieved you all made it safely!

  2. Thanks for the update! It's great to see the pictures. Indeed, God is Good!!

  3. We miss you Kevin. So glad you arrived safely.

  4. James has a message for his Daddy: God is so Good!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. God is good, indeed!!! Glad you made it is obvious from the great pics you are one fired up team! Have a great Lord's day and week ahead!!! God bless! Brett

  7. Thank you for the update and the photos, even though you were exhausted you still took out time to update this site for us. You are amazing and wonderful! Barry is pretty impressive too, packing a tie in his carry on, now that is being prepared! Its great to see the smiling faces in the photos, everyone may have been exhausted but they looked pretty excited to be there. I hope that excitement and enthusiasm can continue through the week and that they continue to bring glory to God. Love to you all.

  8. The Browns/ Grandpa Mac of northwest WA are relieved to hear of your safe arrival and are grateful for the excellent planning. Looking forward to seeing Barry in his tie! Love the pictures and smiles, can't wait to see more. Tell mistee we love her, as well as everyone on the journey. From Mac, mom and the rest of the Browns

  9. Glad you all made it there safely! Digging the paint jobs on the vehicles! Everyone look so excited :) Keep up the good work and don't sweat too much. GO JESUS! P.S. Who won settlers??

  10. Thanks for the update, despite your exhaustion. Glad you all made it there safely. Update for Joe: Joey made it to SFO safely; the daffodils bloomed; Hershey misses you & so do I!
